Free Event: Higher Self 101- Intro To The Real You

"Higher Self 101 - Intro To The Real You" is Happening Wednesday.

I'm writing to you from a location in the world I'm only in because I listened to my higher self. Instead of my mind.

I'm lucky I listened. Because in this location I now have a beautiful partner and magnificent son that my mind didn't see coming. Instead, my mind envisioned years of the single life, moving where I want, doing what I want.

When this relationship started my mind was saying it would be short-lived. My mind was saying I wasn't excited to have kids. It was telling me to look for my next move, and start packing my bags.

A previous version of me would have listened to that. A previous version would have heard those thoughts in my head, thought they were real and important actually believed them. And I would have missed out on all this. How silly is that?

The amount of happiness and deep love I feel in this relationship and with my son is off the charts. My mind had no idea.

That's the lesson here that I have seen over and over again in my life - the mind has no idea. Stop listening to it. It's afraid. It's trying to keep you comfortable and safe. If you believe everything it's telling you, you are believing its illusion version of reality and you are going to miss out on the Real You, your real happiness, and the decisions that will take you there.

So who is this real you? The Higher Self.

The real you is an unconditionally loving, unlimited, peaceful, joyful, powerful Being getting drunk on the wonder of life. This You knows exactly what your purpose is and how to live it as a human. This You knows exactly what will make you most happy and wants to take you most directly there. This You knows exactly how you can make the brightest contribution on this planet while you are here and can't wait to see it happen.

This You is so confident and unconditionally loving, that it even let's the human mind think it's in control. It's lets the human part take on all sorts of maladaptive beliefs, limited thinking, and even emotional pain, because the Higher Self knows it's bigger than all that, is not touched by any of it, and that the human part can let all that go and rise up to a higher level at any time.

If you don't feel this Real You every day, it's simply because your mind thinks it's the real you, and it's trying to control. It does this as a biological survival instinct based on your programming and traumas. As soon as you learn to heal that, your Higher Self seeps more and more into your life, and you realize it was there the whole time, with a big smile on it's face as it lights you the eff up.

But you don't have to wait for any healing to happen to meet the Real You. It can happy today.

No matter where you are in your journey of sensing, awareness, and expansion, The Real You is here, ready to be felt, ready to give guidance, ready to provide direction, help, healing, and love RIGHT NOW. It's the Real You, it can't go anywhere.

That's what our free event on Wednesday is all about.

Higher Self 101: Intro to the Real You.

My intention for this event is that you:

  • Get clarity on the Higher Self and how it works
  • Have an experience of tapping into Your Real energy and wisdom
  • Uncover what is holding you back from using this power inherent within you
  • Leave the event energized to take action and operate at a higher level in your career and life

You need to reserve your spot at this link.

There is no plan to put out a replay. It's a live experience.

I don't have time to even write here all the ways my life naturally, automatically changed for the better when I let my Higher Self be in charge. Every area of my life improved. Every.

Of course, I have hiccups and obstacles and upsets and big WTF moments. And how do I navigate those? You guessed it. By letting my Higher Self show me the way through.

I can't wait to share more with you at our event, Higher Self 101: Intro to the Real You.



PS - I still have some free sessions available if you want to grab one. The sessions are called, Soul-led Goals and Visioning Sessions. There is a short form to fill out if you want one.


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