The Universe Doesn't Care How Productive You Are

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In This Email:

  • Productivity Research
  • An Alternative? With a sample.
  • A poll - help me pick a name - I need your vote please

Productivity Research

I'm writing this to you after researching several profiles on Linkedin with hundreds of thousands of followers.

Almost all of them are telling us how to be more productive in some way.

They have books called things like, "Ultraproductive". They have newsletters called things like, "Systems Sunday" and "Peak Performance Insights" and "1% Better" and "Peak Life Newsletter."

I highly admire these content creators for building up such big audience. By admire I mean jealous.

But I have a small question, and a big question, about this.

Small question: If you are reading a whole bunch of newsletters about productivity, does that count as productivity?

Big question: What the hell are they even talking about?

Does anyone really think that doing more is the answer to improve their healing, traumas, or baseline mental state?

What if I am really productive and then I die? What was it for? "Oh, welcome to heaven! Wow, you were really productive. Please go to the express security line."

Is the Universe going to stop if a human being decides to stay in bed all day? "Oh My God, Johnny, no! Please, clear your emails, Johnny. Inbox 0, Johnny! Nooooooo...."

What about prioritizing happiness and love in this brief, sacred, mysterious thing we call being alive?

When we die, what we take with us is only our experience. What we felt, how we made others feel.

An Alternative?

So I think I might want to do something about this.

What if I start an anti-productivity newsletter? What if I could create the most unmotivating, least inspiring newsletter on Linkedin?


Each newsletter would start out with some "system" or "trick" that sounds like a productivity system, but isn't.

For example:


The Rule of 3

Use this Rule of 3 to completely amplify your life. Here's how it works.

  1. Write down all your to-dos
  2. Highlight the 3 most important tasks, so they really stand out
  3. Next to each task write - "The Universe doesn't give a shit about this."

Now enjoy your day.


There would be a secret purpose to this.

Breaking people's mental trap that productivity will save them. That more is better. That faster is smarter. That productivity means I am being a good and valuable person. That if only I can do and achieve and get enough I will finally be okay.

This is all bull crap. This is all conditioning.

Which means it's a giant ego distraction from who we really are and what we really want.

Without this, Oh my, we'll be so much freer, and happier.

Help Me Name This Idea

Should I keep going with this? Sound fun? Would you subscribe?

If you would definitely subscribe to this, then please help me pick a name! I'll take that as a yes.

Just click below and I'll announce the winner later. (You might have to allow images in this email to see the poll)

Thanks so much!

Take a break,



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